Reverse Hyper
Red Band x 10 x 5
This proved to be sufficient tension, especially on a deload week. I couldn't even get my legs to parallel using the orange band we've got. We'll have to play around with ways to increase the tension in smaller increments. Otherwise, I liked this.
We then came up with a way to use it to do leg lifts where we laid on our backs, hooked the band up so there was no tension at the bottom, and then raised our legs til they were perpendicular to the ground.
Leg Lifts
Red Band x 10 x 3
Ab Wheel
I also ran 3 miles in 27 minutes this morning about three hours before we lifted.
I am at the midway point of my fat loss attempts. If you recall, I started at 191 and 22% bf. My goal was to lose twelve pounds in 6 weeks. This morning I weighed in at 183 and 19.2% bf. That is obviously good progress, but I'm not going to take anything for granted and keep pushing as hard as I can to make sure I meet my goals, and hopefully exceed them. I have included some midpoint pictures for your viewing pleasure. Hopefully you can tell which are the beginning and which are the current ones. I have blocked out my face because for the beginning pictures, I thought it would be funny if I made a stupid face for the picture. However, this only made my look like I had real mental problems, so I made the executive decision that no one would get to see those.

Noticeable fat loss in the lower back / love handle area.