Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rollin' Like a Bigshot


Today was Athletic Day at Lexen. Which means "this is going to suck and if you're a little bitch [and I am] you're going to vomit." Basically we do all the goofy shit you see on the Ultimate Fighter or HBO 24/7 shows. Its hard.

Kettle Bells:

Figure 8s:
24kg for 3 x 8

Alternating 1 Hand Swings:
24kg for 3 x 8 each

Swing Snatches (2 Hands):
16kg x 8 each

Sledge / Tire:
I think the sledge is a 10lb hammer. Not sure. Don't care. Ben thinks the tire is about 300lbs. Again, though, I'm not sure. But if it is, the 600lb tire Mike Johnston threatened to buy is going to be pure hell.

10 Sledge swings, each side, onto the small tire.
Then 10 flips of the big tire, as soon as possible following your sledge work.

Did 3 sets. I didn't vomit. I got close, but I surprisingly kept it down.

Seated Box Jumps:
If you've ever watched video of Joe DeFranco's gym, you've seen these. Here's a video of a recently shamed Brian Cushing doing them with a 2olb vest.

We don't have plyo boxes, Lexen isn't exactly a place for those. What we do have, and what we used, are lots of foam pads used for box squatting.

So we got one of the two giant blocks of foam, which I guess are used for squatting, and loaded smaller, more sturdy pads on top of it. Then we threw a wooden box, with a grippy surface, on top of all that. Joe said we were going to end up playing "Murderball" if we used it. He's probably right.

I have no idea how high it was at any point. It was high though. We added two smaller pads to the pile after each set, I'd bet they're an inch or 1.5 inches thick each.

7 (Was going for 8, but rushed the last rep and skinned my shin down the side of the box.)
1 (This was at the same level as my top ab.)
F (This was at nipple level. Skinned my shin again. I feel I could hit this when I'm more fresh.)

All in all it was a fun day. I found out that I can actually jump fairly well. I can jump higher than Cushing did in the video, actually. Granted, I wasn't wearing a 20lb vest, but I'm not on steroids either, so BAM! (Ignore the related videos where he jumps higher.)

Ben said Georges St. Pierre jumps at nipple level in some UFC video. So I'm pretty much on par with GSP, which I've suspected all along!