Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fucking Magnets

I read this article that Drew posted on my wall. I liked the article, but argued that one didn't need 5 shakes a day, and could get just as much protein and calories from whole foods. Drew and I argued about this, and he failed to convince me that I needed anything more than whey post workout. However, the ideas from that article stuck around in my head. Additionally, my diet has slowly been deteriorating, to the point that the only caloric surplus I get is from junk food, and if I do manage to keep my diet relatively clean throughout the day, I don't eat enough. This is definitely something that is holding me back, so I decided to suck it up, tighten up my diet, buy the fucking supplements and if it turns out to be a waste of my time, well, at least I will have proven Drew wrong.

This is what I got:
5 lbs of a whey/casein blend
5 lbs of whey
1 lb of leucine
1 lb of creatine monohydrate
1 lb of "rilose"

I plan on using the blend throughout the day with 5 g of leucine, and the whey & rilose post workout. I will be taking the creatine based on the advice here. I have only tried creatine once, 5 years ago, and thought it was a waste of my money, but also thought it was worth another shot.

If I get a chance tomorrow, I will sum up what I will be doing with my diet.


  1. I'm excited for you.

    Go into more detail on the leucine and rilose after you use them for a while. I've never used either but I've been wanting to for a while.

  2. Also,


    2. When I've used creatine I've loaded with 10g a day and maintained with 5g a day. 1 week load, 3 weeks maintenance, 1-2 weeks off. Worked well enough.

  3. What do you mean how do they work? Leucine is an AA that is supposed to increase protein synthesis - and rilose is just a carb source.

  4. Oh. I thought it was a stupid question. Fucking scientists.

  5. I fed a fish to a pelican at Frisco bay
    It tried to eat my cell phone, he ran away
