Saturday, April 3, 2010


We hit up a wedding tonight. Here's what I did:

Max Effort Cake Work
Light Hors'doeuvres assistance work
Open Bar (high reps)

I have been looking forward all night to making this joke.

Music: Warbringer - Severed Reality. Every Saturday night, when Teresa and I are in the car, I make her listen to the Metal Connection, because it's like a joke that the people who actually like that music aren't quite in on. We heard this song on the way home, and minus the solos, I actually dig this song. Reminds me of old Slayer.

1 comment:

  1. Dude sounds a lot like Tom Araya.

    My only beef is that the production is too nice. The guitars lack the scary, low fi distortion that I dig in thrash / metal.

    And that was a classic CBC styled joke. #1 Rule for CBC Jokes: limit your audience.
