Monday, April 19, 2010

Raw Power


The last two times I've forgotten to bring my notepad to the gym to record my numbers, but I made sure to toss it into my bag before I hit the street today. Unfortunately, I didn't write down the numbers I needed to hit on that notepad. So what resulted was a bit of an improv workout. I ended up going a little lighter on the MP today, as I somehow busted up my right shoulder this weekend. I'm not sure, but I think I may have slept on it, which always knocks it out of commission for a few days. Anyway, I still kicked the shit out of the day.

Military Press (Standing, strict overhead press):
45 x 10
65 x 5
65 x 5
85 x 5
95 x 6
115 x 3
125 x 3
135 x 3+ (Hit 8, same as last week.)

Military Press (same movement):
95 x 10
95 x 10
95 x 10
95 x 10
95 x 10

5 sets of 10

5 sets of 15

Grappler Circuit:
Shoulder Press (each arm)
Row (each arm)
Squat and Press
Russian Twist

Do each movement for 6 reps, one cycle through is a set. Rest for 60 seconds.
Did 3 sets, all at Bar + 25.

This was one of my better workouts recently from an ego standpoint, despite a less than perfect shoulder. Because I'm not in the gym working out my biceps or going for a pump, I don't normally feel "jacked" on the two "arm" oriented days in my program. But I guess if you hit a buttload of overhead presses and follow it up with dips and pullups, you're bound to get some blood in them guns.

3 miles of roadwork. I'm not entirely sure but I think I hit it in 25 minutes or so. Which isn't too bad for me.

REHAB DAY (Yesterday):

I've complained recently about a sore lower back. It ruined my workout on Saturday and tried to throw a wrench into my squat workout on Friday. I went to the gym on Sunday determined to relax a thoroughly knotted up lower back.

But first I wanted to prove to the world that I'm retarded by doing some shrugs. Surprisingly, it didn't go so well! I did a few sets before it got too heavy too quickly and decided to get to rehabbing. I had foam rolled and stretched pretty seriously before going to the gym, so I wanted to do something I couldn't do at home.

I had read on EFS, I believe somewhere in Brian Carroll's log, about using cold showers and haut saunas to relieve general tightness and soreness after a meet or hard training session. I decided to spend 5 minutes in a sauna, sweating and stretching, followed by 5 minutes in a cold, cold shower. Then repeat. And repeat again.

Some other goobers had similar ideas, but more along the 1 minute in the sauna and one minute in a shower of indeterminate temperature. I guess that's what you need to rehab from killer 20lb cable flys and elliptical work.

Anyway, it was a really relaxing and invigorating experience. I found the abrupt change in body temperature pretty refreshing, and it really did a great job relaxing my lower back.

I may make it a Sunday ritual.


  1. Sean has talked about the cold shower/hot sauna thing. Might have to get a sauna in the CBC gym and try it out.

  2. Yeah, contrast showers are the best. I usually do like 15 in the sauna, 5 or less in the cold shower. Mostly because I hate cold water.

    I always forget how awesome saunas are. Holy shit they rule.
