Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Set It Off (C4-W3-D3)


And possibly my last workout at the Ballys in Chicago.

Warm Up:
10 Dips
20 Push ups
Plenty of static shoulder and pec stretching
Shoulder rotations with 10lb plates

45 x 10
95 x 5
95 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 3
220 x 1+ (Hit 4. E1RM of 250. Sucks.)

135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
155 x 10
155 x 10

BB Row:
Overhand Grip followed immediately by Underhand Grip
45 x 10 each
95 x 10 each
95 x 10 each
135 x 10 each

The 4th rep on my last bench set went up at about a quarter mile and hour. The spotter told me afterwards that he didn't touch the bar, which I already knew. The weight just seemed so heavy. I'm totally clueless as to why my bench is such shit. I know my technique is far from "good", even, but I could do 225 x 3 last summer with basic "flat back elbows out" garbage form. I guess I'm glad I'll be going to Lexen soon and someone will call me on my bullshit technique.

1 comment:

  1. a bittersweet farewell to that bally's you loved so much
