Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fate's Got A Hold of Me


Ben had to work, Riddle is on vacation, and James is resting a bum shoulder for an upcoming fight, so it was just me and Kevin.

Warm Ups:
Static Stretching (Every day I hate Pavel more and more.)
Band Pull Aparts: I,T, Y.

Kettle Bell Work: Each movement for 3 sets.

Figure 8s: 24 kg x 8 each hand

Alternating 1 Hand Swings: 24kg x 8 each hand

Swing Snatches: 16kg x 8

Tire Work: Sledge and then immediately into flips. 3 Sets

Sledge Hits: 10 from each side
Tire Flips: 10

Pale and skinny

Sandbag Work:
This is something Chuck Vogelpohl showed to Ben and James last Sunday. We take two foam blocks and place 4 sandbags around the perimeter, alternating between 40 and 80lbs.

We then picked up a sandbag and placed it on top of the blocks, shuffled over to the next and did the same, until all 4 were up on top. Then we would do the reverse, placing each sandbag back on the floor. That is one rep. All up, then all down. 5 reps for 1 set. We did it twice and got the hell outta Dodge.

The point is to do it as fast as possible. Its awful. I sometimes lament the lack of deadlifts in this new fighting based lifting routine I'm in, but things like this and tire flips pick up the slack. I felt it in my hams when I lifted each bag from the floor, and again in my abs as I brought them up on top of the blocks. Definitely a workout worth doing if you have the means to.


  1. God, this shit is SO BORING.

  2. You meant to say, "Oh man this blog is oozing with masculine sexuality. The musk is flooding from my screen."
