You may have noticed a Squat Day is missing in this mix. There was a miscommunication between Ben and I and I missed squat day, and I ran hills instead. Sucks, but oh well. Onward!
Warm Up:
Static stretching
Band Pull Aparts: I, T, Y
Bamboo Bar Bench:
+16kg KBs x 10
+16kg KBs & 10lb plate x 10
+16kg & 12kg KBs x 4
Bench Press:
Riddle is away on vacation so we are on our own to make up our workouts for a while. I wanted very much to press on a flat bench, and Ben wanted to do the bamboo bar. So we did both. Ben also wanted to use the shipyard chains for the bench. The thinner chains weigh 40, these...I don't know, certainly above 80. They're enormous.

As you can see, we've looped it on the bench so that it is hanging completely from the bar. Even at the bar's lowest point the chains remain suspended. This has a similar effect to the bamboo bar. The chains will destabilize the bar by swinging back and forth and will recruit more muscle to stabilize the bar. James almost learned this the hard way, almost bringing the bar right into his teeth.
Bar +2 Looped Chains x 8
65 +2 Looped Chains x 6
Bar +2 Looped Chains + 2 Suspended chains x 2
(We added two more chains, though these were suspended so that they would hit the floor, increasing the weight of the bar as it is pushed up.)

Bar + 2 Looped Chains (for reps) x 12
DB Rows:
(I did dumbell rows for the first time in a long time while my brothers did Rope Pulls.)
55 x 10
75 x 10
105 x 10
120 x 10
105, feeling light

Ben working grip and some back on Rope Pulls
Bottoms Up KB Shoulder Press:
Basically this is a Standing Shoulder Press with a Kettle Bell, only flipped upside down. The bell sits above your hand, forcing you to grip hard and press with focus. More grip and stabilizing work!
12kg x 10
12kg x 10
12kg x 10

Bell end
Ab Work:
Cable Crunches: 90 x 10
Ab Wheel: 10
3 times through, no rest.

Weapons of Mass Construction

What's that ramp looking thing next to the boards?
ReplyDeleteA ramp.
ReplyDeleteNo clue. Looks like it has hinges, though.