Friday is supposed be our DE Lower Body Day, which is supposed to be
6-8 sets of jumps
3 sets of a unilateral leg movement
3 sets of a posterior chain movement
4 sets of weighted ab work
However, I was tired and bummed out after staying up til 1 the night before watching Xavier lose, and about the last thing in the world I wanted to do was bulgarian split squats - which I don't think she does in this video, but if you noticed that, you're gay.
So, I put on my new socks, and Sean and I went to an abandoned K-Mart parking lot to pull cars, cause it was nice as hell out. The plan was to do 10 sets, where 1 set was an (approximately) 40 yard pull, followed by a 40 yard push back to the start.
We pulled facing both forward and backward. Facing backward made my quads burn much more than I expected. It was hard to find a flat part of the parking lot, so where we ended up pulling started off with a slight slope down and ended with a slight slope up. It turns out that it does not take much of a slope to make it difficult to pull a car. For reference, my car weighs 3200 lbs + 185 for the person sitting inside.
After 5 sets, our legs felt like jelly, and we'd been at it for a while, so we called it a day. That is, until we found half a telephone pole laying in the parking lot, which we flipped until it started to fall apart, since it was sort of rotten. We went back to my place and did the weighted ab work:
BB Side Bends
Superset w/cable crunches:
60x12x4 or so. I forgot to look at the weight on the machine, but it was heavy enough. A note about our cable machine - the weight that I write down is just the weight that we add to it. I'm pretty sure the carriage that the weight sits on weighs about 15 or 20 lbs, and the rust on the machine also provides some resistance. Since we're too lazy to quantify this, it's easier to just write down the weight we add.
All in all a good day. My postworkout shake is usually chocolate whey protein powder in milk with some kind of frozen fruit blended into it. However, this time I put thin mints in there instead of fruit. I hoped this would make it taste like a milkshake, but it just left delicious thin mint chunks at the bottom that I couldn't quite get out. It was not a complete shake failure, but I probably won't make it again.
Motherfucker, don't make the video private if you're going to post it on a blog.
ReplyDeleteCan't see shit!
Fucking fixed that shit. I didn't do it on purpose, asshat.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I lol'ed at that last paragraph.