Sunday, March 14, 2010

Post Hangout Workout

A bunch of people were in town this weekend, so needless to say, Sean and I both drank more than our fair share and ate our weight in fried foods and gravy cheese fries. This probably had some impact on our workout today. Not like we give a fuck. Sunday is our repetition upper body day. We don't have a dedicated speed day for upper body, instead we use this day to get some hypertrophy and higher rep stuff in:

I'm never very good at knowing what I need to do to warm up my upper body. Today I foam rolled my upper back, lats, and triceps, did some arm circles, the shoulder mobility exercise shown in the video halfway down in this article, T pushups, and I meant to do wall slides, but I forgot cause Sean showed up.

First exercise of the day, after a couple warm up sets is meant to be taken to failure, so:

Fat Grip Floor Press
Bar x8
2 chains x8
135 +2 chains x8
135 +2 chains x7
135 +2 chains x5, 3 negatives

Chins superset with rear delt flys
BWx7ish, 22x12
BWx5ish, 22x12
BWx3ish, 22x12
BWx2ish, 22x12

I can't quite count all the reps of my chins, since my form always breaks down pretty significantly for the last couple reps. I also did two sets of Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 100x8, 100x10 right after those last two sets of chins, just to make sure I got my work in.

Lateral Raises

40x12 (each arm)

DB Shrugs superset with JM Presses devolving into CGBPs
60x15, 75 +2chains x8
60x15, 75 +2chains x7
60x15, 75 +2chains x5 + 5 CGBP
60x15, CGBP - 75 +2chains x12, fat bar tricep pushdowns - 50x5

This workout ends with us doing grip training. I did three sets of 5 with the Captains of Crush trainer, all negatives on my left hand, and 50/50 negatives and real reps on my right hand. Then we just messed around, doing a bunch of hub holds with 25s for time, around the worlds with 25s, fat bar holds for time, and I successfully deadlifted two 45s with a pinch grip for one rep - Sean got about 8. This was really difficult.

Songs Drew Cook should have on his Zune: HSM 3 - Scream

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