Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This Ain't Back In the Day


Agile 8
Foam rolling on the upper back, lower back and hams.

45 x 10
135 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
355 x 3
400 x 1+ (Hit 5)

Using the Max Estimator formula I posted yesterday I plugged in some numbers that would get me to my goal of a 500lb deadlift. To get a 500 estimated max I'd need 8 reps, 7 would put me just below. So 7 became my mental goal, though I knew it was a longshot. I hit 5, and I regret not pushing for 6, but it was a rough 5.

Though I felt good on my last set my warmup sets were tough. I felt slow, too tight, and weak. My lower back and hams just feel beat up. I'm going to need to make sure to deload next week, and maybe even do something other than deads and GMs on that deload day.

Good Mornings (Wide Stance, HITTING PARALLEL):
135 x 12
135 x 12
155 x 12
155 x 12
185 x 12

At this point I was no longer tired, but a tomato faced ball of pure fucking rage. If someone would have bumped into me I likely would have ripped into their heart without thinking. Love that feeling.

Pull Throughs:
108 x 10
132 x 10
156 x 10
180 x 10

3 sets of 10

Foam rolling my whole back and hams.
Neck bridges.

Soundtrack: Biggie Smalls, "Gimme the Loot"

I got a foam roller and DIRTY Pre-Workout in the mail today after I lifted, so I'll put them to use tomorrow or Thursday and write up a little review.


  1. What do I need to do hit parallel on my GMs? I'm nowhere near that.

  2. Widen your stance. Stretch your back and hams. Lighten the load. Arch your back. Stop being a fucking fruitcake.

  3. On the real:

    Bust your hips back like you're going for a squat, but obviously limit the movement to your hips rather than bending your knees. Like a SLDL with the weight on your back. You're not going to be able to hit parallel too easily with a close stance, and you don't really need to. You can, though, with a wide stance that you'd normally squat in.

    Do GMs in your squat stance, as it works a lot of the same muscles. If you squat Olympic style, then do GMs that way, and be fine with not getting parallel, but still working to hit a stretch in your hams.

    I squat wide, so I do GMs wide. It isn't even a problem to hit parallel, and its not as if I'm really flexible.
