Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So I am in Dallas for a week for a seminar. This is a perfect opportunity for Sean and I to deload, since we don't ever do that. My plan is basically to spend a lot more time on foam rolling/soft tissue work than I otherwise would, as well as doing a lot more static and dynamic stretching and mobility stuff. I'm also going to try to get in some quick workouts. Nothing too exciting, because the "state of the art fitness facility" here does not have a single place for me to do pullups. Luckily it does have both a leg curl machine AND a leg extension machine, so my squat won't suffer. Also, the dumbbells max out at 50s.

This was what I did tonight:

Probably about an hour of leisurely foam rolling, stretching, etc while watching basketball in my room.

Goblet Squats 50x12x4
DB Bent Over Rows 50x10x4

I superset everything with sets of 15 pushups, except for my final set where I did single leg SLDLs using the 50s for 10 reps each leg.

I could have done more, but when my plan is just to do something, and the following criteria have been met:
  1. Lower Body Movement
  2. Push
  3. Pull
  4. Sweating
It is pretty easy to talk myself into being done.

Then, I went back to my room and did 4 sets of 5 each hand with the CoC gripper, took a shower, and wrote this.

I'm open to any suggestions on things I should do this week.

Also, one last note: lateral squats are really difficult for me to do. I can't keep my toes pointing forward, and I have way too much forward lean. Give these a shot.

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